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Hard & Soft CoverBooks

By Tom Blake

How 50 Couples Found Love After 50 (Hard Cover)​

How 50 Couples Found Love After 50 is a collection of 58 modern day stories of how couples aged 50 to 80 left loneliness behind and found love later in life. Not only are the stories heart-warming and sincere, but they provide hope and wisdom to singles who will learn how people just like them found love. A must read for any person who wants to improve their chances of finding love, even people in their 80s.

Finding Love After 50

(Soft Cover)​

Finding Love After 50:
How to Begin.

Where to Go.
What to Do


Finding Love After 50 is a must read for divorced or widowed men and women who want to meet a mate. Written from the man's perspective.

Whatever Happened to Victoria Station (Hard Cover)​

Where did Victoria Station, the1970s restaurant chain, go? VS-insider Tom Blake reveals all in this fast-moving, fascinating, narrative nonfiction business/memoir titled Prime Rib and Boxcars: Whatever Happened to Victoria Station?

Tutor & Spunky's Deli:
A Dana Point Landmark

(Soft Cover)​

In 1988, Tom Blake gave up the big headaches of the corporate world to make big sandwiches. He opened Tutor & Spunky's Deli in Dana Point, California. In 1990, Dana Point became a city. The deli grew as the city grew. For the next 26 years, Tom managed and guided the deli into a $1,000,000 yearly sales business. During that timeframe, he hired 186 employees. The deli was known by customers as "The Cheers" of Dana Point.

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Middle Aged and Dating Again

(Soft Cover)​

Middle Aged and Dating Again

Middle Aged and Dating

Again is a 53-year-old man's odyssey of trying to find a mate after his wife emptied the house and left. Humor from the man's point of view.


By Tom Blake

Dana Point Yacht Ponzi

The Ed Fitzgerald Scandal


Dana Point, California, yacht broker Ed Fitzgerald disappeared in July, 2009, with more than 1.5 $ million owed to friends and people who trusted him. The author, a local newspaper columnist was appalled that so many victims were hurt, especially single moms and elderly folks. In this book, he explained Fitzgerald’s disappearance.  He was on the lam for 4 years. The book updated May 27, 2013 with BIG news! Fitzgerald’s Mai Tai days are over.


Finding Love After 50


Tom Blake is an expert on dating after 50. He has written more than 3,005 newspaper columns on finding love after 50 over the past 18 years. This book has sold thousands of copies in the print version. Tom has updated it to include 2013 information so widows, widowers, divorced men and women will have the most current information. Lonely? Seeking a partner? You must read this updated version.


How 50 Couples

Found Love After 50


The modern-day stories of how 116 singles in their 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s found love later in life. These are everyday people like you and me, not movie stars or celebrities. Widows, widowers, divorced folks, people never married--all found love. The stories provide information, ideas, inspiration, and above all HOPE for older singles. Learn from these stories and say good bye to loneliness.


Widower Dating.

Gold Mine or Mine Field?


Single women age 50+ often fall in love with widowers, who convince themselves and the woman they're dating that they have healed and are ready for a new relationship. Cautiously, these women start to believe their new man is ready for love. They open their heart. And then, the widower bolts upright in his bed and shouts, "I can't do this anymore." He dumps the woman and breaks her heart. Beware.


Italy: 23 Days By Train


Planning a trip to Italy? This is a must read. Grab your Eurail pass. Syndicated columnist Tom Blake documents 23 days in Italy, using Italy's incredible train system to go from the Portofino-Genoa area to Lake Como, then to Sorrento and the Amalfi Coast, and back to Tuscany, Milan and Verona. Informative and entertaining. Lots of travel tips. At the end of the book, there are links to 480 photos.


Senior Dating:

Who Pays For The Date?


One of the hottest issues in senior dating is who pays for the date. The author dissects this sensitive topic with humor and input from his newspaper column readers by presenting the woman's and man's point of views. Then, at the end, he provides the middle ground where both men and women can agree on who is going to dig into their wallet on the first few dates to pay. Ouch! Will seniors agree?


Tutor & Spunky's Deli:
A Dana Point Landmark

(Kindle Edition)​

In 1988, Tom Blake gave up the big headaches of the corporate world to make big sandwiches. He opened Tutor & Spunky's Deli in Dana Point, California. In 1990, Dana Point became a city. The deli grew as the city grew. For the next 26 years, Tom managed and guided the deli into a $1,000,000 yearly sales business. During that timeframe, he hired 186 employees. The deli was known by customers as "The Cheers" of Dana Point.

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© 2021 By Tom P. Blake​

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